Thunderbolt Nuclear Fusion
for Efficiently nuclear fusion... 効率的な核融合のために…
高電圧 高圧力 直接印加型 核融合方式 / Thunderbolt nuclear fusion
Based on the Thunderbolt nuclear fusion principle, fusion will be induced by applying electrical energy from 10 keV (equivalent to 100 million degrees temperature) to more than 1000 keV (equivalent to 10 billion degrees temperature) to huge amount of liquid or solid fuel, which are about 220 million times atomic density is denser than the plasma in a near-vacuum Tokamak reactor, that generates about million times energy as efficiently.
Applying huge energy by electrical power microlocally, enables to use atoms that heavier than deuterium for fusion fuels. The method has the potential to induce "infinite" energy sources.
To compact and high efficiency, that could be used for multi-purpose as engine cylinders like ICE, jet propulsion in the air, underwater, and any other heat energy sources, not only generates electric power.
Patent Pending / 特許
高電圧 高圧力 直接印加型 核融合方式 / HIGH VOLTAGE AND HIGH PRESSURE DIRECT APPLICATION TYPE NUCLEAR FUSION METHOD WIPO published WO2022264567 (Japanese, Corrected)
高電圧 高圧力 直接印加型 核融合方式 / High voltage electric high pressure direct applying fusion / Thunderbolt nuclear fusion【特願2021-099872】 (Japanese, Original)
High voltage electric high-pressure direct applying fusion / Thunderbolt nuclear fusion (English DRAFT)
Presentation slides / スライド
高電圧 高圧力 直接印加型 核融合方式 本方式の理解を補助する資料 (Japanese)
High voltage electric high pressure direct applying fusion / Thunderbolt nuclear fusion (English)
1 sheet summary material (English / Japanese)
FAQ / よくある質問
Can it really do it? / 本当に実現できるの?
Thunderbolt lightning causes Nitrogen (N) isotopes to emit antimatter positrons and electron neutrinos, which produce gamma rays when they annihilate electrons, according to a paper published in Natur in 2017. * ( The paper was selected as Nature`s 10 best papers of the year. )
This event can be judged to be equivalent to the fifth reaction that occurs in the fusion reaction called the CNO cycle. Gamma radiation sources also occur within the CNO cycle. This is evidence that the fusion reaction, which has a higher energy requirement than deuterium, is generated by thunderbolt lightning power.
In other words, there is evidence that a fusion reaction of atoms heavier than deuterium occurs with electricity.
The basic idea of this method is to make this phenomenon compact and efficient.
雷によって、窒素(N)同位体が、反物質である陽電子と電子ニュートリノを放出し、この反物質の陽電子が電子と対消滅する際に、ガンマ線を発生すると云う論文が、2017年に京大、東大、理研、原研、北大の共著で発表されました。※ (NHK EテレのサイエンスZEROでも紹介され、Nature誌の年間10大レポートにも選ばれました。)
この事象は「CNO サイクルという核融合反応」の5番目に発生する反応と等価と判断できます。ガンマ線源もCNOサイクルの範囲で発生します。つまりこれらは、重水素よりもエネルギー要求量の高い核融合反応が、雷の電力により発生していると云うエビデンスとなります。
* Photonuclear Reactions Triggered by Lightning Discharge (Nature)
Teruaki Enoto, Yuuki Wada, Yoshihiro Furuta, Kazuhiro Nakazawa,Takayuki Yuasa, Kazufumi Okuda, Kazuo, Makishima, Mitsuteru Sato, Yousuke Sato, Toshio Nakano, Daigo Umemoto, and Harufumi Tsuchiya
※ 雷が反物質の雲をつくる!?雷の原子核反応を陽電子と中性子で解明
榎戸輝揚 京都大学白眉センター特定准教授、和田有希 東京大学大学院理学系研究科博士課程学生 (理化学研究所仁科加速器研究センター)、古田禄大 同博士課程学生、湯浅孝行 博士 (元理化学研究所)、中澤知洋 東京大学大学院理学系研究科講師、土屋晴文 日本 原子力研究開発機構研究副主幹、佐藤光輝 北海道大学大学院理学研究院講師
Pulsed electric fiels could be Fusion? / パルス電力で核融合反応が起きるの?
Prof. Ralf Schützhold and his team at the Helmholtz-Zentrum Dresden-Rossendorf (Germany) have shown that pulsed power enhances the proton tunneling effect. announced in August 2021. *
Furthermore, in January 2022, reported that the enhancement to the proton tunneling effect causes three alpha particles would be produce by the fusion reaction of boron-11 and protons. **
ドレスデン・ロッセンドルフ研究所(Helmholtz-Zentrum Dresden-Rossendorf : ドイツ)のラルフ・シュエツホルト教授(Prof. Ralf Schützhold)のチームが、パルス電力により陽子のトンネル効果を強化することを2021年8月に発表しました。*
*Dynamically assisted tunneling in the impulse regime
Christian Kohlfürst, Friedemann Queisser, and Ralf Schützhold
Phys. Rev. Research 3, 033153 – Published 13 August 2021
** Artificial lightning to prompt nuclear fusion
C. Kohlfürst, F. Queisser, R. Schützhold: Dynamically assisted tunneling in the impulse regime, in Physical Review Research, 2021
How does the fusion reaction occur with electricity? / どうやって電気で核融合反応が起こるの?
This method uses electrically insulating or high-resistance fuel. Free electrons in conductors do not generate energy. Therefore, this method uses fuel with properties such as insulators, which do not have free electrons, to convert energy.
Furthermore, by directly bombarding electrons with a voltage that exceeds dielectric breakdown, such as thunderbolt lightning, an ultra-high energy state would be created and the nuclear fusion reaction be induced.
(Figure a1) Free electrons in conductor path through without generate energy... × / (図a1)導体中の自由電子は通過しエネルギーは発生しない…×
Free electrons pass through an electrical conductor, so no energy is generated
⇒Cannot be made into electricity-based fusion fuel
(Figure a2) Electron collide to high resistance and insulator what genelates energy...✓ / (図a2)高抵抗・絶縁体に電子が衝突するとエネルギーを発生…◎
Energy is generated when electrons collide with insulators
⇒Ultra high energy state when high voltage exceeding breakdown voltage is applied
⇒Fusion is possible with insulators and high-resistance fuel
Why use electricity? / なぜ電気を使うの?
Because the electric energy source is not thermal heat, therefore the partition walls could be separated from the thermal energy, moreover, that can be thermally managed with coolant, making it theoretically possible to operate without melting the partition walls. Therefore, mechanical compression will be possible, which will theoretically increase the atomic density to near that of the center of the sun.
In tokamaks such as ITER, the ion plasma is magnetized by electromagnets so that the partition walls do not melt due to heat, and the ion plasma is " focused to the center" of the tokamak. Therefore, the limit for increasing the atomic density is low, and the reaction rate of fusion is low. Because of the low atomic density, higher temperatures (over 100 million degrees Celsius) than in the center of the sun (16 million degrees Celsius) are required to increase the reaction rate.
The higher atomic density makes it easier for nuclei to collide, and fusion can be induced at energies equivalent to the sun or even lower temperatures.
What's the difference from tokamak fusion such as ITER? / ITERなどのトカマク型核融合とは何が違うの?
The nature of the collision is the same, but... This method uses liquid or solid fuel.
The International Thermonuclear Experimental Reactor (ITER) and other tokamak accelerators uses plasma. The atomic density of plasma are estimated to be 100 trillion atoms/cm3 as Lawson criterion , which is about 1/260,000 of the atomic density of a gas at 1 atm. Moreover, about 1/200 million of the atomic density of a liquid or solid fuel, which means that the amount of fuel is almost a near-vacuum. Therefore, the volume of energy generated from near-vacuum plasma fuel volume are very small. Therefore, the energy generated from the near-vacuum plasma fuel is also very small. It means that theoretically insufficient as an energy source for power generation by near-vacume plasma.
For example, Even the car engine will not ignite If the fuel is only 1/200 million of gas. Therefore, this new proposal enables the energy equivalent to the energy input to be retrieved using a fuel that is approximately 200 million times denser than plasma.
Some tokamak reactors use superconducting coils in their electromagnets, but they require tremendous amounts of electricity to cool the huge coils to cryogenic temperatures over several weeks, but the fusion reaction experiment can be completed in seconds.
In tokamak, helical, and other types of fusion that use plasma, it is not possible in principle to retrieve energy such as the level of electric power generation.
In this method, electrical energy directly converts to electron collision energy in the fuel, so there are no additional devices that need to be powered. It is possible to create a high energy state in as short time as possible with little loss, and to induce a fusion reaction while maintaining a high-density state before the partition wall is melted.
国際熱核融合実験炉 ITERなどのトカマク型加速器などではプラズマを使います。プラズマの原子密度は一般的には100兆個/cm3とローソン条件で定義されていますが、これは1気圧のガスの約26万分の1、液体・固体の約2億分の1の薄い原子密度、、、ほぼ真空に近い量の燃料です。よって真空に近いプラズマ燃料から発生するエネルギー量も微々たるもの。これでは発電用エネルギー源には理論的に不足します。
(Fig. a3) Tokamak plasmas are thin and low efficiency ... × / (図a3)トカマク型等のプラズマは希薄で低効率…△
Fuel is heated by electromagnetic waves into ultra-high temperature plasma
⇒Thermal Brownian motion causes dissipation
⇒Low probability of nucleus collision
⇒Minimal energy from thin fuel
(Figure a4) Solid and liquid fuels are high dencity and efficency...✓ / (図a4)固体・液体燃料は高密度で高効率…◎
Create the high-energy state immediately by electricity.
⇒Energy conversion with high nucleus density
⇒High probability of nucleus collision
⇒Massive energy from fuel 200 million times denser
What's the difference between this and inertial confinement fusion, such as lasers? / レーザーなどの慣性閉込核融合とは何が違うの?
In this method, "energy conversion" from electricity is essentially achieved at a single location in the fuel.
To generate beams such as lasers and particle beams, electricity is converted into energy many times, and the loss becomes bottleneck as heat generation, requiring many laser devices in parallel and many dozens or hundreds of times more electrical energy than their " effective value". In other words, energy loss is large, and it is theoretically difficult to increase the ratio of retrieved energy to input energy.
In addition, in pellets used in the inertial confinement type, thermal energy is transferred to the fuel from the outside "through the partition wall," so the temperature of the partition wall becomes plasma at the same time as the fuel, so energy focusing is possible at low and medium temperatures, but at very high temperatures, physical coagulation and compression by the pellet partition wall are theoretically impossible. It is difficult to achieve. Furthermore, inertial expansion to withstand implosion is theoretically impossible.
In this method, electrical energy converts to collision energy of electrons in the fuel, which minimizes energy conversion points and bottlenecks, making it possible to apply a large volume of energy to the fuel in highly intensive processes.
In addition, since this method uses electricity, not heat, as the energy source, mechanical compression of the fuel before the partition walls and electrodes become hot makes compression, including implosion, theoretically possible.
(Fig. a5) Laser inertial confinement fusion are inefficient energy transfer, etc... × / (図a5)レーザー慣性閉込め核融合などはエネルギー変換効率が悪く、…△
Transmits energy to fuel through pellet walls
⇒Low efficiency because of high energy conversion
⇒Wall melts due to heat and weak compression
⇒Nuclear density can' t be increased.
⇒Low energy retrieval rate for fusion
(Figure a6) Direct electron apply and compression are efficient energy transfer...✓ / (図a6)隔壁電極圧縮はエネルギー変換効率が高く、…◎
The energy source is electricity, not heat.
⇒High efficiency with minimal energy conversion
⇒Heat doesn't melt walls, so pressure is strong
⇒Higher nucleus density and explosion compression are possible.
⇒Improved energy retrieval rate for fusion
What's the difference from so-called room temperature fusion? / いわゆる常温核融合とは何が違うの?
This method is not cold fusion, but ultra-high-energy fusion.
The idea is to generate nuclear fusion by applying electrical energy from 10 keV (equivalent to 100 million degrees Celsius) to 1000 keV (equivalent to 10 billion degrees Celsius) or higher.
What is different from cold fusion is that the amount of collision energy of electrons is regarded as equivalent to Joule heat for insulator fuels without free electrons, making it possible to partially create ultra-high energy states by applying "ultra-high voltage power" energy like thunder intensively to the atoms.
The difference between this method and the typical fuser method of cold fusion, in which "high-frequency electromagnetic waves" are applied to deuterium gas, are the characteristics of this type of fusion.
How much energy does electricity generate? / 電気のエネルギーはどれくらいなの?
1 eV (electron volt) equals approximately 10,000 degrees Celsius.
10,000 times 10,000 volts (10 keV) corresponds to 100 million degrees (the temperature required for deuterium fusion), and 1 million volts (1000 keV) corresponds to 10 billion degrees, making fusion of atoms that are heavier than deuterium possible.
In physics, 1 eV (electron volt) of 1 volt (V) applied to 1 electron (e) is equivalent to a temperature of about 10,000 degrees Celsius (11,600 K (Kelvin)).
Detailed calculations are as follows.
1 eV (electron volt) = 1.602x10^-19 J (joule), defined as Boltzmann constant : k = 1.381x10^-23 J/K (J/Kelvin). Corresponding this to the energy kT , k = 1.381x10^-23 J/K , 1.381x10^-23 T = 1.602x10^-19
i.e., T = 1.602x10^-19 / 1.381x10^-23 = 11,600 K (Kelvin)
For reference, the required energy of carbon for fusion reaction is : 50 KeV (equivalent to about 500 million degrees Celsius) and 2×10^8 kg/m3 = 200 kg/cm3. For electricity (electrons), this is feasible by applying existing technology.
Also, compared to electromagnetic waves used in tokamaks and photons using lasers, the electrons have stronger energy and are more efficient because they are applied directly.
1 eV (電子ボルト)は、約1万度に相当するエネルギーです。
物理学的には、1個の電子(e)に、1ボルト(V)を印加した際の 1 eV (電子ボルト)は、約1万度(11,600 K(ケルビン))の温度に相当するエネルギーとなります。
1 eV(電子ボルト) = 1.602x10^-19 J(ジュール)、ボルツマン定数 : k = 1.381x10^-23 J/K (J/ケルビン)と定義されている。これをエネルギーkTと対応付けて 、k = 1.381x10^-23 J/K 、1.381x10^-23 T = 1.602x10^-19
i.e., T = 1.602x10^-19 / 1.381x10^-23 = 11,600 K(ケルビン)
参考までに、 炭素の核融合反応への要求エネルギーは : 50KeV (約5億度相当)及び、2×10^8 kg/m3 = 200 kg/cm3 とされているそうです。電気(電子)ならば既存技術の応用で実現可能な範囲かと。
How importance atomic density is? / 原子密度ってどれくらい大切なの?
Fusion requires 100 million degrees! Everyone believes it.
However, the temperature at the center of the sun is lower than that, at 16 million degrees Celsius, nuclear fusion occurs. In the case of hydrogen bombs, nuclear fusion occurs at an even lower temperature of 2 million degrees Celsius.
In fact, it is because of the low atomic density that the temperature must be raised to 100 million degrees Celsius.
If the atomic density can be increased, like in the Sun and the hydrogen bomb, there are evidences that fusion reactions are induced even at 2 million degrees Celsius ( still very high temperature ).
The critical condition and self-ignition condition are dependent on the product (n, τ, T) of three quantities: atomic temperature (T), atomic density (n), and confinement time (τ), which is called the fusion product. In other words, if the atomic density is increased, the temperature can be lowered.
Ultra-high temperature plasma has an atomic density of 100 trillion atoms/cm3, which is only about 1/260,000 of a 1atm gas and about 1/200 million of a liquid or solid. If the fuel is only one-hundred millionth, the energy generated is also only 1/200 millionth.
For example, a car can run 10 km on 1 liter of gasoline. With only 1/200 millionth of a liter of gasoline, that car would stop in a moment.
With liquid or solid fuel, energy can be extracted from 200 million times more fuel than with plasma methods such as ITER, and that energy equivalent to a lower temperature.
Atomic density is very important.
What can we use them for? / 何に使えるの?
Assumes that by heat exchange, water, helium, sodium, etc. can be used for applications such as power generation.
Inner-cylinder explosions in internal combustion engine engines are also assumed by controlling the amount of fuel to small amounts.
Jet propulsion and underwater propulsion systems are also theoretically possible.
In addition, a wide scope of other heat sources can be used, including blast furnaces, for industrial and home user applications.
(Figure 1) Basic configuration diagram / (図1)基本構成図
The figure shows the minimum elements required to implement this method: High voltage electric supply, power transmission lines, partition walls Barrier / Bullet, Cathode, Solid / Liquid Fusion fuel, Anode, Coolant, Ventilate as required. This is a conceptual diagram of a system with an Auxiliary Nucleus vibration accelerator, such as a valve, microwave, or light particle beam.
The basic configuration is to induce a nuclear fusion reaction by applying an ultra-high-energy electric power equivalent to thunder to the individual/liquid fuel.
However, because of durability issues, the fuel, partition walls, and electrodes are initially assumed to be replaced by a Bullet system, which is a set of fuel, partition walls, and electrodes, and automatically and continuously loaded after each use. In the future, based on the expectation of continuous use, the self-healing and dynamic repair properties of the partition walls and electrodes will be studied, assuming that they will deteriorate, and the system will be adapted for continuous use applications.
本方式を実現するのに最低限必要な要素を示す図であり、超高圧電源部(High voltage electric supply)、電力伝送路、隔壁(Barrier / Bullet)、陰極側電極(Cathode)、固体/液体核融合燃料(Solid/Liquid Fusion fuel)、陽極側電極(Anode)、冷媒(Coolant)、必要に応じてベンチレーター弁(Valve)、マイクロウェーブや光粒子ビームなどの補助的原子振動増進装置(Auxiliary Nucleus vibration accelerator)を有するシステムの概念図である。雷に相当するような超高エネルギーの電力を、個体/液体の燃料に対して印加し、核融合反応を誘起する基本構成である。
(Figure 2) Heat-exchange steam turbine / (図2)熱交換式蒸気タービン
As a basic application, the heat generated by the fusion reaction converts into energy to power the turbine using water and other coolants through heat exchange, and the exhaust is recycled and cooled through a cooling system such as a steam condenser. The following is an example. The output of the turbine can be used not only as a generator but also as a power source for various types of transportation equipment and other sources of power.
本方式における、応用の基本形として、核融合反応で発生した熱を、熱交換により水やその他の冷媒を使って、タービン(Turbine)の動力エネルギーに変換し、排気(Exhaust)を回収し、復水器(Steam condenser)などの冷却装置を通して冷却し、循環させるシステムの概念図である。タービンの出力は、発電機などに留まらず、各種輸送機や、その他の動力源として使用可能である。
(Figure 3) Thermally expanded direct-heat turbine / (図3)熱膨張直熱型タービン
The conceptual diagram of a turbine drive system in which air intake from the atmosphere by a compressor or other device directly heats the air as a coolant to achieve thermal expansion of the air, and further combines the thermal expansion of the fuel and its effect as the heat source to produce kinetic energy, which drives the turbine. The rotary kinetic output of the turbine can be used for power generators, various types of transportation equipment, etc. In this system, not only the rotational motion of the turbine but also the injection energy of the ultra-high temperature and ultra-high pressure substances resulting from the reaction of the fuel can be used as jet thrust to power various types of transportation and other equipment. However, in principle, high power output cannot be expected from the thrust accompanied by the reaction due to mass injection in a vacuum, such as outside the atmosphere.
(Figure 4) The Combined power system of direct-heat turbine and heat-exchange steam turbine / (図4)直熱型タービンと熱交換式蒸気タービンのコンバインド動力方式
This is a conceptual diagram of a combined system that improves thermal efficiency by using exhaust heat from thermal expansion direct-heat turbines to generate steam to drive a steam turbine or other system. The steam turbine has no direct relation to the proposed method but is presented as one of the applications to improve the thermal efficiency of the direct-heat turbine method.
(Figure 5) Underwater heat exchange thermal expansion type propulsion system / (図5)水中熱交換式熱膨張型推進装置
This conceptual diagram shows the method of using the thermal expansion of water as thrust, utilizing the thermal expansion of water as well as the heat exchange of coolant with a large amount of water by placing the reactor in the water. By creating the inflow water flow in advance and narrowing the direction of water expansion through heat exchange of reaction heat, a water flow can be created and used as the thrust for ships, submersibles, and other water flow devices.
(Figure 6) Blast furnace / (図6)溶鉱炉
The following shows a conceptual diagram of the system used as the heat source in this method for melting metals and other materials as a refrigerant. Since the heat exchange rate and thermal conductivity of the metal to be melted are assumed to be insufficient in the initial state, a supplementary heat source is assumed to be used at startup.
(Figure 7) Internal Combustion Engine/Carnot Cycle / (図7)内燃機関/カルノーサイクル
The following is a conceptual diagram of the method used in this system for internal combustion engines by controlling the amount of fuel in very small volumes and by limiting the heat generated. In the figure, a cylinder and piston internal combustion engine is shown, but rotary and other types are also included. Although not shown in the diagram, it is also expected to be used as a heat source for the Carnot cycle and Stirling engine, which are differential engines using only a heat source.
本方式において、燃料の量を微小に調整し、発熱量を制限することにより、内燃機関の燃料として、使用可能な熱源として利用する方式の概念図である。図では、シリンダー、ピストン方式の内燃機関を提示しているが、ロータリー式なども含む。また、図示はしないが、熱源のみで差動するカルノーサイクル、スターリングエンジン(Stirling engine)の熱源としての利用も想定される。
(Figure 8) General-purpose heat source / (図8)汎用熱源
This conceptual diagram shows the availability for all applications where the heat source will be used as a heat source in this system. Direct use of heat sources is expected for water heating, air conditioning, cooking, and other applications that require the use of heat sources, whether for industrial or home use, in addition to those that are done via electricity.