About us
Concept / コンセプト
Investigation of the essentials.
The issues exist, and goals exist. Aiming at the fundamentals, we break things down, take them apart, reexamine each one, and examine the differences from the goal. Not only that, but we aim to discover breakthroughs by examining, and applying knowledge from a diverse field that may seem unrelated. When we get down to the essence of the matter, we will become atoms, and by examining from the bottom up, from fermions and bosons, we will explore the essence of the matter. There are any many challenges to be solved.
The human challenge is to improve ability and health = The principal for the Strong AI = the Artificial General Intelligence (AGI) realization method patent and its application + NDA.
The Earth's challenge is oil depletion = The efficient nuclear fusion = high pressure, high voltage, direct applied nuclear fusion patent.
Fundamental, essential-based, meaningful, effective, solutions = SOLUTIONS ONLY. Under the NDA, I regret that I cannot disclose the details of the diverse business.
Besides, ideas can be born anywhere. Don't stay in dogma or place.
人間の課題は、能力と健康の向上 ~ 汎用人工知能実現方式とその応用 + NDA
地球の課題は、石油の枯渇 ~ 効率的な核融合=高電圧高圧力直接印加型核融合
深田博幸 Hiroyuki FUKADA
At Mitsubishi Electric Corporation, computer software development, product planning, etc. After the computer production division was closing down, position in Yahoo Japan, an financial company, and currently working for an IT service company in Tokyo.
For compliance with NDA and other regulations, I only publish my personal ideas on the Internet.
Recently the new inventions becomes extremely difficult, and patenting is also very hard. I also researched energy and reached dynamite, but Nobel invented it first... so inventions are tough to do.